Friday, February 24, 2012

A Sweet Surprise

***I know I've been missing.  I'm sorry.  I promise to go back and fill you in, but in the meantime...***

About a month ago, Brad and I decided to take the kids back to Great Wolf Lodge.  We went for the first time on our way home from my sister's wedding, and just absolutely fell in love.  I joined the email club and get discount opportunities, and we decided to take one of those opportunities and run with it...only we didn't tell Jack right away.

I actually told him tonight that we have a surprise for him.  He was dying to know and immediately guessed it was a Spider-man toy.  The boy knows what he likes:)  After several guesses, and me telling him that the surprise was better than all the things he mentioned, I told him to ask his daddy.

Daddy told him it was a really great surprise, but that he had to wait a little bit longer.  He promised we'd tell Jack tomorrow night at bedtime.

Jack seemed to settle down to get ready to go to sleep.  But after two minutes of snuggles and silence, our adorable, little man says, "You gotta tell me!"

We laughed so hard, smiled over our little boy's head, and then Daddy told him about our surprise.  He is so excited - he talked about the slides and the fountains and the cute!

I hope he has as much fun as he's anticipating:)  I can't wait to ride the water slides with my little man.  And seeing our precious, baby girl (who, by the way, is seven months old as of today!!!) wear a swimsuit for the first time?  Yeah, I'm looking forward to that, too.  Don't you worry - I'll take pictures:)

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