Friday, February 3, 2012

Six Months

Pretty Girl,

On January 24th, you turned six months old!  I can't believe that in a mere six months, you'll already be a year old.  Time is flying, and first birthday preparations are already in the back of my mind.  What a fun, girly day that will be, my love.

I'm not sure how much you weigh, but if I had to guess I'd have to say about 16 or 17 pounds - we'll find out on Tuesday at your next doctor's visit.  You're still wearing six month clothing, but you're wearing nine month sleepers because otherwise your little tootsies are smooshed.  You are still wearing a size three diaper.

You are reaching for everything - toys, people, and your feet!  You finally figured out that you could get your toes in your mouth:)  Every time I change your diaper, you try to chew on your toes.  You also try to put anything and everything into your mouth as soon as you can get whatever it is into your little hand...especially Jack's superhero toys.  You've already seemed to figure out that whatever he is playing with is better than your baby toys.  What's that about, Baby Girl?

You are no longer nursing, as of New Year's Eve, in fact.  I think I had a much harder time adjusting than you did.  You still tried to nuzzle me a few times in the weeks after that, but you don't do it anymore.  I miss it, but I'm so happy you were able to nurse for as long as you did.

You drink three bottles a day, and you're also eating solids like a champ.  You haven't refused a single fruit or vegetable that we've tried to give you - you're an avid eater.  You love eating from a spoon, and you're trying to figure out how to drink from a sippy cup.

You're rolling like crazy - and not just one way.  If I set you down on the ground, you don't stay put.  You roll around until you get where you want to go:)  Such a strong, little girl!  You never stop do not really like to snuggle unless you're sleepy, and then it's the cutest thing ever because you turn your head into my chest and press your little forehead against me.  You're still practicing your sitting up skills.  Sometimes you seem to have it if we put you in a sitting position, but other times you just fall right over - which, by the way, you don't seem to mind one bit.

You still love bath time.  You love to splash around and don't mind water on your face at all.  When we watch Jack at swimming, you act like you just want to jump right in.

You are interacting so much more than before.  You're saying mama, especially when you are sad or when you need something.  You light up when you find Daddy's face or hear his voice.  You get all smiley and bashful - it's adorable.  You also love to be around Jack, and the feeling is mutual.  He always moves to be near you, and he does such a good job of sharing his toys with you.  Just the other day, I got you interacting with the puppy dogs on video - so adorable.

While I can't wait for you to have adorable, girly pigtails, I'm absolutely in love with the downy swirl that is your hair right now.  Even that tiny, little bald spot.  I'm head-over-heels in love with it.

Mama loves you, Hannah Bear.  So very much.  These past six months have been a dream come have a daughter, to watch her grow, to see my little boy love on his little sister, to watch your Daddy melt every time you smile...what an amazing gift you have given me.

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