Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Morning Sweetness

Jack: Gives Hannah his toy lion to play with while he plays with his superhero city from Aunt Jess.

Hannah: Continues to roll towards the superhero city, leaving said lion behind.

Jack:  "Mommy, she keeps touching my toy even though I gave her my lion."

Mommy: "Jack, do you know why Hannah does that?  She loves to play with what you're playing with because she loves you.  You're her big brother, and she thinks you're awesome."

Jack: (with a serious, and endearing smile, makes eye contact with his wiggly, baby sister)  "Hannah, when you're a little bigger and you can talk, I'll teach you how to jump, okay?  Deal?"

Mommy: (heart melts all over the family room floor - this is what it's all about)

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