Hannah Bear, Hannah Bear,
It has been a busy two months for you. We ended up taking your eight month pictures at about eight and a half months (but never did the post), and then we took your nine month photos this morning.
While you still weigh about 17 pounds and wear mostly nine month clothing, a lot has changed since your seven month post. For one thing, you are mobile! You are crawling like crazy. And not only that, but you are pulling yourself up to a standing position every chance you can.
You love school. You are there full-time now, and Jack loves helping me drop you off and pick you up each day. He's in charge of putting your bottles in the fridge, and he reminds your teachers every day which bottles are yours. You love to play with the other babies, but you don't sleep too well at school. You take little cat naps, and then on the weekends, you sleep for 2-3 hours at a time.
You are such a good eater. You eat everything we offer you. Even though you don't have any teeth, you love solid foods. Your teachers always talk to me about how much you eat, and one day, when I came to pick you up from school, you were hanging out near the table where some other babies were having snack - just in case something were to fall:)
That might be my favorite picture of you thus far...definitely frame-worthy, Sweet Girl.
You are so silly. You love to be right next to me, no matter where I am. And now that you can move on your own, we're pretty much tied-at-the-hip:)
You still love your big brother like crazy. You love to play with his toys, and you get so excited when he comes into your room, at home and at school.
And he very much loves you. He tries to make you smile when you are upset, but he doesn't love to share with you. Still. We're working on it!
You just moved up to 12 month jammies, and you look like such a big girl when you wear them. I'm about to change your diaper size to a size 4 - things are feeling a little snug.
You've been feeling under the weather lately, with fevers and thrush and a runny nose. Maybe it's your new school environment... Either way, you are still such a happy baby. The only time we could really tell that you didn't feel good was when you had the fever, and that was only for part of one day!
You found a lovey! Grammy bought you a pink bunny/blanky before you were born, and just this last week, you decided it's your favorite. You lean down to grab it before we get you out of your crib, and when you're going to sleep, you like to rub it on your little cheeks and eyes. Too cute...
You are still so proud of yourself every time you pull yourself up on something and don't fall right back down!
Nine months - I can't believe it, Baby Girl. While I'm so excited that you're growing and learning new things every day, I was sad on Tuesday when you turned nine months because now you have been here just as long as you were in my belly. Where is my little baby going?! I just wish I could stop time for a few months and just soak up these last few months of your first year...such a special time, and we'll never get it back. We love you, Hannah. So, so much.

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