My favorite three and a half year old kissed his sick, baby sister this evening and told her how much he loved her, surprised his mama by recognizing the letter K without it being in the context of his name, called himself a carnivore the other night while brushing his dinosaur teeth, wondered why the Easter Bunny doesn't talk, cried during The Lord's Prayer while at Easter service because he didn't want to share his new car with Channing, loves his new Spider-man pajamas, has blue eyes like mine, talks to his lovies at night after we tuck him in, starts soccer on Saturday, waves and chats with all of our neighbors whenever he gets the chance, doesn't know how to control the volume of his voice, gave the Easter Bunny a hug and said, "I love you, Easter Bunny," snuggles with his daddy on the couch almost every evening, kissed me on the forehead when I was "resting my eyes," and requested spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread (the long, straight kind) for dinner tonight. And he ate every last meatball I served him.
Jack is my favorite three and a half year old.
*Full Disclosure - This post was designed after I post I saw from MckMama. I just love the way she does things sometimes, and thought I'd use that idea and run with it.

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