Our littles are under the weather...between ear infections, fevers, allergies, and thrush...
We have two new, rather large, monthly bills...
My car needed a new radiator and is now in the shop...
An un-diapered Hannah Bear may have pooped on the family room carpet, maybe...
We have not had a normal, problem-free week in at least two months...
Our house might be tidy, but it is certainly not clean...
The last two nights were the first nights where I actually made a good dinner in weeks...
None of us are getting enough sleep...
There are good things happening here.
Hannah has mastered crawling on her hands and knees and now moves at lightning speed.
{Video: Daddy's Home}
Jack loves his baby sister so much. Today he asked her about her day, and then kissed her on the head before she went upstairs to go to bed. Moments like this are many at our house...
Someone has been practicing his soccer skills...
Hannah Bear is pulling herself up to a standing position at every chance...
Jack nearly "fell to his doom," but don't worry, he said, "Mark my words - I will be the king."
Our baby girl waves and says, "Bye bye," and blows kisses to her teachers at the end of the day.
Jack found a dollar in the basement and decided that he did not want to keep it. He wanted to give it to church. I love his little heart!
Miss Hannah might have some curly hair!
And Mr. Jack went from this...
to this.
We've been rather busy, wouldn't you say?

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