Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweet Morning, Rough Day

This morning, Miss Hannah was being extra adorable.  She woke up before Jack (well...technically, he woke up first, but I've discovered if he crawls between me and Brad, he falls back to sleep while if I roll over to the middle of the bed, he's up for good), so we headed downstairs and I changed her diaper and gave her a bottle.

She rolled over, stood up, and kept walking away and then coming back to give me a hug and a kiss.  Over and over again.  It seriously was the cutest thing.

Literally - she'd waddle away.  Turn around.  Waddle back with arms outstretched for my neck.

I couldn't get enough.  Made my day before it barely started:)


After school, but on the way to the store this evening, Jack announced, "Mama, I had a rough day."

"Why, Baby?"

"I was just working so hard," he sighed.

"What were you working on?"

"Oh, I was just doing lots of different things at school."

"Oh, I'm sorry that you had a rough day at school, Sweetie.  Hopefully, we'll have a good evening though."

What else could I say?  I was trying to memorize his exact words for this post - he was so serious.  And the tone that came out of his little mouth?  My tone - after a long, hard day at work!

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