Long story short - I applied for a couple of new jobs within our school system this summer. I was looking to make a move into school administration, and the more I thought about it, the more excited I got. On a bit of a whim, and last-minute, as usual, I decided to apply for an open position. Much to my surprise, they called me, we set up an interview, and while I was nervous, I thought it went well. I did not get the position; however, they did say that my interview went very well, and that I should continue to apply for similar open positions.
I did. Next time around didn't go so well, and I was really bummed. Really bummed. For awhile. Rejection is never fun, and I couldn't help but wonder...what's wrong with me? Why didn't I get the job(s)? What do the other applicants have that I don't?
I am one of those people that believes that everything happens for a reason, yada yada yada, but I just couldn't figure out why this hadn't gone the way I wanted it to. What was the reason? I certainly didn't know.
Now, I do.
While these positions would bring more responsibility and help me further my career (and are certainly more lucrative than what I'm doing now), they would require me to work year-round. This was a decision that Brad and I talked about a lot, and while the idea of not having my summers off was sad, I realize that the rest of the world has kids and works year-round and they all survive. And well, it seems. I also know myself and I do better when I'm busy. When I don't have a plan, I become lazy and unmotivated. It's true - I could browse the Internet, read blogs, read, and sleep all day, well, on days the littles are at school anyway. So I thought the year-round change could all in all be a good move for our family.
But now? Now I realize that the year-round move would not have been the best move for us. Not now, anyway. Because now I am busy planning my days with the littles, having fun, watching them interact, seeing them grow and learn new things...I will only have a ONE! YEAR! OLD! and a FOUR! YEAR! OLD! right now. And for me - I need to cherish this time. Take it all in. Soak up the memories. Document these times so that while they won't remember them - they can read about all the fun things we did and how much we love(d) them.
I know myself - I could not have done any of these things with Jack and Hannah as well as I can right now if I'd gotten a new job. The amount of time I'd have gotten to spend with them alone would have meant drastic changes for our memories.
For us, for their little ages, for this precious summer time that is theirs with their mama...things worked out perfectly. Just the way they were supposed to. I believe this now.
I am so thankful that everything happens for a reason. And for these happy, sweet summer days I get to spend with my babies...so, so grateful. Not everyone gets this chance, and I'm savoring these last several weeks with them.

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