Today was Jack's first day of pre-kindergarten. He was very excited - ever since I learned that he cried when they took down the cubbies in the three's room, I've been really trying to pump up the excitement in regards to going to pre-k. Over the weekend, he seemed to get more and more into it:)
I also gave him plenty of warning that we'd be taking pictures early in the morning.
One day, he'll thank me. And if not, his wife surely will.
I love that cheesy grin.
And this, "Are you taking it now?" face.
Poor Jack - Hannah stole his juice cup prior to this shot:(
But being the proud mama that I am, I cheered him up.
Little Sister wanted in on the action, too.
But clearly she couldn't figure out why we were taking pictures so early in the morning!
It's a day to be celebrated. It also marks the one-year countdown until my first-born is in kindergarten. I think they invented pre-k to give mommy hearts plenty of time to prepare.
(I'm working on the best way to do this...any suggestions?)
As you can tell from this picture, drop-off went swimmingly. No tears, on either of our parts! He was very happy to show me his new cubby and went right to a table to play with his friends. He didn't even seem to notice that there isn't a window from which he can wave goodbye on his new side of the building. I felt very good when I left.
At pick up, he still seemed excited and happy about his day. I think overall it went well, although right before bed he had a little breakdown and started crying about something that happened with his friends. A couple of little boys had said they didn't want to play with Jack outside, and when I asked him what he did about it, he told me he just sat on the slide. My heart broke - he was so upset. I tried to give him some suggestions as to how he could ask them to play or to maybe go play with someone else. He calmed down enough to go to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about him just sitting there on the slide by himself. I know he has friends and generally has a great time at school - I just hate to see him so upset! Hoping for a better recess experience tomorrow...

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