Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Another Conversation with My Adorable Three-Year Old

Jack: What does carpet start with? (Carpet happened to be one of the "tools" on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.)

Me: Carpet starts with the letter c.

Jack: But what do I start with?

Me: The letter j.  J for Jack.  And Jordan (one of Jack's friends from school; they've found they have a mutual love for Toy Story).  Jordan also starts with the letter j.  Jack and Jordan!

Jack: Both of us?!

Me: Yeah, isn't that fun?

Jack: Wow, that makes my heart good (as he places his little paw over his heart).  That doesn't broke my heart, it makes it good.

Me: (My heart absolutely turns to mush.)


Anonymous said...

Too cute :) I wonder where he gets his caring heart from? Aunt Ryan?? haha...Stand back, child prodigy in the makeing! Love you guys, Ryan

Anonymous said...

Just spelled 'making' wrong...obviously he should never take a spelling lesson with Aunt Ryan :)