Thursday, February 27, 2014

So Proud

{photo courtesy of Marian Lozano}

This little one has been potty trained for a long time, but until recently she was wearing Pull-ups at nap time and at bedtime.  At school, she doesn't wear a pull-up at nap, but she had a hard time staying dry during naps at home.  She tends to sleep longer here.

Over the weekend, I noticed that Hannah was waking up dry in the mornings quite often.  She's been asking to only wear panties to bed for awhile, but I was nervous to take the plunge.  To be honest, I wasn't really wanting to get up in the middle of the night to change sheets frequently.  But like I said, she'd been doing really well, and she was so excited to try.  We were running low on Pull-ups...maybe less than a week's supply left, and I just decided, "Who cares?"

Last night, she asked if she could wear panties to bed, and we decided to give it a go.  This morning, she was so excited because guess who woke up dry?

We're so proud of her!

{Note: Since last Thursday, we've had our share of accidents, but it's okay.  She'll get it.  And she's trying so hard!}

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