Tuesday, July 5, 2011

37 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 37 weeks (and 1 day)
Size of Baby: If Peanut is about the size of an average newborn, she weighs about 6 1/2 pounds.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Baby Girl is practicing her breathing skills by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.  She's also sucking her thumb, blinking, and rolling from side to side (and I can tell when she does)!
Total Weight Gain: 44 pounds
Movement: Definitely still a wiggle-worm.  Still feeling elbows and knees shift across the belly every day.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping, just not as well.  I roll from one side to the other all night, interrupted by bathroom breaks and the urge to organize in the middle of the night
What I miss: Wearing my wedding rings.  That's right - my fingers are so swollen that I had to pull them off (not an easy task) after the doctor suggested I do it before they may have to cut them off.  The good news is that even though my feet and ankles really hurt, I still don't have cankles:)
Cravings: Lemonade, puff pastries, and mango.
Symptoms: Still having Braxton Hicks contractions and all the other symptoms that go along with being nine months pregnant!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Getting a whole bunch of girly goodies for the baby from Brad's parents and Aunt Jessica - thank you again!  Reaching the full-term point (although, I have to admit, I'm a tad bit confused.  I got an email from the hospital today, and it made it sound like 38 weeks was full term, so who actually knows?).  Having a great doctor's appointment today where I got to hear Peanut's heartbeat and get a little hope that maybe the doctor that delivered Jack will also get to deliver his sister.    I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

20 Bucks says that you have Baby Girl within a week!! Love you and you look great :)


TheGrowingCunninghams said...

It was nice running into you today! Sorry I didn't have time to be more social, but I'm always counting heads in hopes of going home with all the children I started out with. You look GREAT.