Tuesday, July 12, 2011

38 Weeks

(While I'd love to be one of those confident women who rock the bikini while pregnant, I just can't do it. So this is my swimsuit for the time being.  Lovely, I know.)

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 38 weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Girl probably weighs almost seven pounds at this point.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: She's continuing to add on fat that will make those newborn pictures extra adorable with rolls.  She's also shedding some body hair and the waxy covering that's protected her in the womb thus far.
Total Weight Gain: 47 1/2 pounds - I think I'm going to match my weight gain with Jack after all...especially if Baby Girl is on time and/or late.
Movement: She's still squirming, but she must be crowded!
Sleep: I get up almost every night at 4 and then I can usually fall back to sleep until Jack wakes up...nothing like getting ready for those nighttime feedings:)
What I miss: Just being comfortable...
Cravings: Hmm...I've been eating like crazy in the last week.  It's actually pretty comical - which probably has something to do with the weight gain.  I haven't really been that picky, but I'm still loving fruit and sweets.  Together.  Ice cream sundaes with strawberries, bananas, and blueberries, some hot fudge and caramel.  Perfection.
Symptoms: I still can't quite cool off and just this week I've been very hormonal.  Super emotional and easily weepy about my time with just Jack.  Achy joints.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Just getting all of the finishing touches done in the baby's room...I've got everything I think I need, and all I have to do is pack for the hospital.  

And because I just love this little man so much...

Today he couldn't decide if he wanted to be "Spectacular Spiderman" or Buzz.  So he just wore both, one right on top of the other!

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