Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Man's Best Friend

On Friday, Jack was lucky enough to get to spend most of the day with his grandma and grandpa.  When they brought him back to the house, I was telling him how much I missed him and how happy I was to see him.  He was being kind of quiet, so I asked him if he missed me.

Jack's response: I missed Cuddlebug.

In fact, he was all about Cuddlebug, and it was pretty darn cute.  The puppies had gotten a haircut while he was gone, and Belle had little, yellow bows in her hair.  He came in the door saying, "Aww, Cuddlebug, you're so cute."

He kept giving her hugs and telling her he was worried about her and that he missed her.  And I'm sure he did.  They are the best of friends.  Can't you tell?

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