Friday, August 20, 2010

Some Pinot, Please

I have two quick, funny stories for you today regarding my little man.

*Last night, Grammy came over to join me and Jack for dinner.  I asked her if she wanted anything to drink, and here's how our conversation went:

Me: Would you like something to drink?

Grammy: Sure - what do you have?

Me: Soda, Juice, Wine...

Grammy: I'll have some wine.

Me: Would you like Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio?

Grammy: Oooh, I'll have some Pinot.

Jack (while playing on the floor in the kitchen nearby): I'll have some Pinot.

Note - Jack DID NOT, in fact, have some Pinot.  But nice try, Bud.


*I left a watered-down cup of Coke in the office yesterday after reading my mommy blogs during Jack's nap.  When he woke up, he found my glass.  Here's how that went:

Jack: This is Mommy's juice.

Me: Yes, that's Mommy's juice.

Jack (licking his lips): I want some please.

Me: Okay, just a little sip.

Jack (his first taste of soda EVER): Just a little sip.

Jack takes a very teeny, tiny sip, smacks his lips, gives me the biggest grin, and says, "I like this juice."

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