Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This morning was a tearjerker.  When trying to get Jack ready for school this morning, he kept saying, "Me no go to school today, Mama.  Not yet.  Tomorrow."  My heart was breaking...

He repeated this mantra the entire way to school, and while he did very well yesterday and didn't cry at drop off, he definitely cried this morning.  Which made me cry.  I hate when he's sad:(  I felt so guilty that I had to go to work, and I had to rush out the door so he wouldn't see my teary eyes and get into my car so the other parents wouldn't think I was crazy crying through the hallways like a 12 year old school girl.

Working mommies - does it ever get better?  Do you ever not feel guilty when you drop your baby off at school and they're sad?  Oh, it's horrible.  I try so hard not to cry and to be super-strong for Baby Jack, but when his little bottom lip starts to quiver, I'm completely powerless.

So this afternoon when we got home, we had lots of snuggle-time, to say the least.  And he was being so super-cute (probably so I won't take him to school tomorrow!).  He wore his daddy's watch through most of the evening - so sweet.  He's sleeping with it as we speak:)

Here's a video of my sweet, little man, taken this evening before bedtime:

For the record, you'd cry if you had to drop off his sad, little face before rushing off to work too.  Don't lie.

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